January 30, 2023
Save the Date - September 8-9, 2023
USNPAA Reunion Speakers Confirmed
Dear USNPAA Members,
Did you register yet for USNPAA Reunion 2023? It will be held in Arlington, VA, September 8-9, 2023 at the Hilton Garden Inn Arlington/ Shirlington, the same hotel where we held Reunion 2019. Click this link to get the latest details on the agenda and reunion events as well as information about the Hilton Hotel and room block, the Army Navy Country Club (ANCC), our Business Meeting and Lunch, and the Farewell Reception. If you haven’t registered yet, click here to get a registration form.
Keynote Speaker for Welcome Reception and Dinner: On Friday, September 8, we’ll kick-off the reunion with a Welcome Reception and Dinner at ANCC. From a rooftop reception to a three-course dinner in the Five Star Ballroom, the event promises to be great fun. The dinner program will include the presentation of three USNPAA awards.
Former CHINFO, RADM John Kirby, USN (Ret.), who has had an impressive career in the Navy and the government, has accepted our invitation to be the Keynote Speaker for the dinner. Now serving as National Security Council (NSC) Coordinator for Strategic Communications, RADM Kirby will no doubt give us his unique insight into communications in the NSC and White House.
Business Meeting Guest Speakers: Our Business Meeting on Saturday, September 9, will include an association update, a Treasurer’s Report, and a Membership Report in addition to what is always a lively discussion about new programs the association is pursuing, particularly those that support our active-duty counterparts.
Guest speakers will include RDML Ryan Perry, USN, CHINFO, who will update us on the state of the Navy public affairs community and the challenges he faces daily. Back by popular demand is Col. Dan Merry, USAF (Ret.), Vice President for Government Relations, Military Officers Association of American (MOAA), who spoke at our 2019 Reunion. Col. Merry will provide an assessment of Defense and personnel issues that Congress is working in addition to discussing the advocacy issues that MOAA is addressing with congressional members. We will also hear from an OPNAV N2/N6 representative who will provide us an unclas threat brief.
Don’t miss out on getting the latest updates from senior Washington officials on what’s happening with the military. Plus, it’s a great opportunity to reconnect with old friends and meet new USNPAA members. I hope you’ll mark September 8 – 9, 2023 on your calendar and send in your registration form and check today.
Tom Jurkowsky
USNPAA Reunion 2023 Registration Form
USNPAA Reunion 2023 Save the Date
More Notes from the Admiral
Save the Date - September 8-9, 2023
USNPAA Reunion Speakers Confirmed
Dear USNPAA Members,
Did you register yet for USNPAA Reunion 2023? It will be held in Arlington, VA, September 8-9, 2023 at the Hilton Garden Inn Arlington/ Shirlington, the same hotel where we held Reunion 2019. Click this link to get the latest details on the agenda and reunion events as well as information about the Hilton Hotel and room block, the Army Navy Country Club (ANCC), our Business Meeting and Lunch, and the Farewell Reception. If you haven’t registered yet, click here to get a registration form.
Keynote Speaker for Welcome Reception and Dinner: On Friday, September 8, we’ll kick-off the reunion with a Welcome Reception and Dinner at ANCC. From a rooftop reception to a three-course dinner in the Five Star Ballroom, the event promises to be great fun. The dinner program will include the presentation of three USNPAA awards.
Former CHINFO, RADM John Kirby, USN (Ret.), who has had an impressive career in the Navy and the government, has accepted our invitation to be the Keynote Speaker for the dinner. Now serving as National Security Council (NSC) Coordinator for Strategic Communications, RADM Kirby will no doubt give us his unique insight into communications in the NSC and White House.
Business Meeting Guest Speakers: Our Business Meeting on Saturday, September 9, will include an association update, a Treasurer’s Report, and a Membership Report in addition to what is always a lively discussion about new programs the association is pursuing, particularly those that support our active-duty counterparts.
Guest speakers will include RDML Ryan Perry, USN, CHINFO, who will update us on the state of the Navy public affairs community and the challenges he faces daily. Back by popular demand is Col. Dan Merry, USAF (Ret.), Vice President for Government Relations, Military Officers Association of American (MOAA), who spoke at our 2019 Reunion. Col. Merry will provide an assessment of Defense and personnel issues that Congress is working in addition to discussing the advocacy issues that MOAA is addressing with congressional members. We will also hear from an OPNAV N2/N6 representative who will provide us an unclas threat brief.
Don’t miss out on getting the latest updates from senior Washington officials on what’s happening with the military. Plus, it’s a great opportunity to reconnect with old friends and meet new USNPAA members. I hope you’ll mark September 8 – 9, 2023 on your calendar and send in your registration form and check today.
Tom Jurkowsky
USNPAA Reunion 2023 Registration Form
USNPAA Reunion 2023 Save the Date
More Notes from the Admiral