March 15, 2020
The Passing of CAPT Jim Mathews and CDR Tom Wyld
Dear USNPAA Members,
It is with deep regret that I announce the deaths of two of our colleagues—Captain Jim Mathews and Commander Tom Wyld.
Jim Mathews was an Association plank owner. He was a mentor to many of us, and his skills and experience were deeply respected and admired. Personally, I believe that the Navy public affairs community today commands the respect it does because of individuals like Jim who helped mold it. Jim clearly was one of the pillars that has formed the foundation of our community. Jim passed away on 18 February in Winter Springs, Florida. Arrangements for his funeral will be determined at a later date with burial in Arlington.
Tom Wyld passed away in Warrenton, Virginia, on 2 March after a long battle with cancer. Tom was a Surface Warfare Officer for ten years before changing his designator. Many of us remember his days in Navy Broadcasting where he worked with Buzz Rizer in shaping the Navy’s SITE system. After retiring from the Navy, Tom worked for the National Rifle Association where he was the Vice President for Legislative Affairs.
Tom Jurkowsky
USNPAA President
More Notes from the Admiral
The Passing of CAPT Jim Mathews and CDR Tom Wyld
Dear USNPAA Members,
It is with deep regret that I announce the deaths of two of our colleagues—Captain Jim Mathews and Commander Tom Wyld.
Jim Mathews was an Association plank owner. He was a mentor to many of us, and his skills and experience were deeply respected and admired. Personally, I believe that the Navy public affairs community today commands the respect it does because of individuals like Jim who helped mold it. Jim clearly was one of the pillars that has formed the foundation of our community. Jim passed away on 18 February in Winter Springs, Florida. Arrangements for his funeral will be determined at a later date with burial in Arlington.
Tom Wyld passed away in Warrenton, Virginia, on 2 March after a long battle with cancer. Tom was a Surface Warfare Officer for ten years before changing his designator. Many of us remember his days in Navy Broadcasting where he worked with Buzz Rizer in shaping the Navy’s SITE system. After retiring from the Navy, Tom worked for the National Rifle Association where he was the Vice President for Legislative Affairs.
Tom Jurkowsky
USNPAA President
More Notes from the Admiral